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Spiritual Progress

What is spiritual growth and how to measure it? The rise of the questions – Am I growing, I don’t feel any difference in life? what is point of practising meditation? Feels like life purpose is missing. Something is missing all the time.

Progress is not the absence of problems. It is not the absence of conflict.

Problems are bothering inside our head all the time. The discomfort and uneasiness is difficult to carry. We are tired of our own mind, our own self. Nothing seems to be working. Days are gone, weeks are gone, yes it is still running inside our head. We live in a constant inner pain.

Thoughts are pushing us to react immeditately. Does not let us live in peace. Stress does not go away. It is burning inside us for days and nights, and in our dreams. Mind is not at peace… never mind. We keep practising kriya, our only support system. We feel good inside but after sometimes we are back to square one… never mind. We continue our practise, fixing a time-table and following it religiously. Being too much on phone or hyper discussion leads us to be more restless, we learnt it hard way. But what to do then to tolerate own self. We have no choice.

We do our daily chores slowly. As slow as possible. Stay in pain…stay and stay… suddenly one day it is gone. How did it happened as if it was never inside us? I feel the answer is not easy to explain, but let me try. It is a mix of many things, our conscious efforts as we are aware of what is going inside, our never giving attitude of practising kriya, the techniques based on our complex thought process. Also, our own ability to be one with our thoughts, to live it, to tolerate ourselves. The one cannot experience the detachment without being totally attached. We want to know our own self at any cost that gives power to tolerate ourselves. Practising silence like no other option.

Now one react in inner certainty, it is precise, and concentrated without losing any energy and mostly work is done. One feel proud of oneself, never been so happy. A great sense of achievement, feels we are growing in all aspects. The richest person on planet. Feels strong as never before. That is the purpose of life and makes it worth living.  

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